
Showing posts from March, 2023

My Righteous Shall Live By Faith

  "But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back." (Hebrews 10:38)      There is a person who lived in the old testament days whose name is referred to in the new testament multiple times and that too in two important passages and that person is the woman Rahab, often referred to as harlot Rahab. It is such a miracle that she got her name placed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Mt 1) and also in the list of names of the heroes of faith (Hb 11). Do you wonder how? By faith!      When two Israelites had come to spy out the land of Jericho, where Rahab lived, she knowing that they are the people of God made room for them in her home and protected them from the enemies. She had only heard about the God of Israelites and the wonderful deeds which He had done. But just by hearing, she believed - that He is the true living God and that He is able to fulfill what He has promised. Even most of the Israelites did not have this faith. By fa

He Will Rejoice Over You with Singing

  "The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.  He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet  you  with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17) If you look at a young couple recently engaged, there is something very remarkable that you can see in them - you'll find them joyful all the time. The boy always has his heart filled with words of affirmation for his beloved. He sings songs for her from his heart and rejoices over her, knowing that she belongs to him.  Have you ever imagined the same relationship between you and your Beloved Jesus? When you draw close to Him with a true heart, He also draws near to you and makes you His own. He forgives you of all your past sins and gives you a new beginning in life with Him. Your only intention then becomes to please your Beloved at all times and be by His side always. And, He will cover you with His love and will rejoice over you with singing.